Sunday, March 13, 2011

Annette's Definitive 'So What's the Difference?' List

I get so many questions, some of which are hard to answer, like: "What's it like in Niger?" (to which I respond: "What's what like in Niger?") or "So which do you like better, Malawi or Niger?" (to which I have no response, because which do you like better, food or air?), and I'm sure people are wondering, so I whipped up:

Annette's Definitive 'So What's the Difference?' List

Enjoy. (It's a google doc)

To sum up, I loved Niger, but, zimachitika (shit happens), so now I find myself in Malawi, making the most of things and growing to love it as well. I'm lucky to be surrounded by awesome Malawians and great Peace Corps people too. As Shakira says: "This time for Africa!"

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