Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm in Niger!

I don't even know where to start! Life here is so different than the US, from what we eat (rice and sauce, mainly), to where we sleep (outside under bug nets and the most beautiful sky I've ever seen, unless it's raining), to where I poop (in a hole in the ground). I'm having a lot of fun, and the other trainees are very fun. I'm taking Hausa classes and trying to keep my level of French up. It's a lot to take in but I'm rocking it! Today I find out my post: where I'm going to live and work for the next 2 years! I'm nervous but very excited. We are training in a town called Hamdallaye (from the Arabic "thanks be to God"), outside of Niamey, the capital. We've gotten to go into Niamey a few times on the weekends to shop and/or eat and drink good food (I got a hamburger, milkshake, pizza, and fish here, but they were definitely special treats). I love getting mail, but don't need any packages yet. I'm reading a lot and thinking a lot, having ups and downs, but I've stayed pretty healthy. I go running sometimes in the early morning with some of the other trainees, and have even led a yoga session or two! I had bacteria in my intestines, but some antibiotics cleared it right up! I've seen a few camels, but no giraffes yet. This weekend we're going to visit our sites (alone, for 4 days) and then do a 10-day immersion in a Hausa-speaking town with 2 other volunteers and 1 of our language teachers. Should be exciting! Until the next time, sai hankuri (have patience)!


Mara said...

thanks for updating hun! sounds like quite the adventure, good luck with everything and have fun with your immersion class!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you!!! Miss you lots! Will you add me to your email list: clunythescourge@gmail.com. Let me know what kinds of stuff you would like and I will send you care packages!

Rachel Rustad