Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Current Favorites

  • Book - Naomi and Ely's No-Kiss List. At times a little too consciously hip New York trend-tastic, but at times just what I'm needing right now: people making too big of a deal about middle-school-esque drama. Delicious.
  • Music - Deezer.com, where I nerdily made a playlist modeled after a mixed CD one of the characters in aforementioned book made for another one. This is what happens on a 12 hr/week work schedule. Also listening to the Deezer radio stations exposes me to new French and other music. Current faves are the Pep's and Kelly Clarkson's new song.
  • Inanimate object in my apartment - my new yoga mat! 3.50 euro at Decathlon outside of Avignon. It's not of the highest quality, but it is of higher quality than my bare dirty floor, so I'm working it out. On the mat.
  • Animate object in and around my apartment building - the funky-colored pigeon, who seems to be well socially-adjusted and in with the other pigeons, despite his black and white spotted head, blue and green chest, and normal-pigeon-colored body. Go him.
  • Job - mine. The kids are so friendly and amazing (no less than TWO kids picked spinach as their favorite food yesterday...freaks...). My kids are doing a carnaval throughout the town this afternoon, and I kind of want to install myself along the route to watch the parade and wave at them. All the teachers are worried about losing kids to strangers, shiny objects, or a precarious moment when two groups will cross paths in the Place de l'Eglise.
  • Beverage - wine. Duh. Even I'm beginning to be convinced of the fact that I'm an alcoholic (drinking almost every night, even when alone, even when others around me aren't drinking, referring to alcohol as my "medication," and polishing off a half liter of the stuff by myself at the cheap Chinese place Sunday night in Avignon, while watching an old man sitting by himself doing the same thing...vision of the future). Second fave boisson: coffee. The only way I can show up to work.
  • News outlet - Slate.com. I get all my real news, fake news, and opinions on current and past goings-about in the world here. Approximately half of my conversations begin with the phrase: "I was reading an article on slate.com about..." Hey, anything that makes me a more interesting person...
  • TV (er, online) Show - Weeds. I want that to be my life. Sort of. Yes to the California, no to the kids, yes to all the cocktails those ladies drink, no to the scary housing development and bitchy housewives, yes to the sensamilla, no to the run-ins with rival dealers, police-like figures, and bullets. It sounds like I want to go back to Santa Cruz...I found a job announcement on Craigslist Santa Cruz the other day to which I'll be sending in my resume and letter of motivation...hey, why not? Keeping my options open.
  • News outlet/TV Show - The Daily Show. I can't not give it its' props, though I don't bother watching it all that much.
  • Reason for living - seeing my mom at the end of April, tooling around Provence drinking wine, seeing sites, drinking wine, eating the fine cuisine. Second fave reason for living: the prospect of a cross-country (the USA) roadtrip with the brother come autumn. We shall see...

1 comment:

Stevie said...

Hey. We can drink wine together. In this case, 1+1=2 non-alcoholics.