Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out of Hibernation

Internet is lifeblood. I just got it in my apartment and I can't tell you how it's changed my life! Now instead of staring at each other across a game of cards, either Ruth or I are always online, facebooking or looking up funny videos of Russell Brand or reading about the Inauguration, or, if pressed, actually researching things to teach the little Frenchies, our charges.

The holidays were fabulous: highlights included seeing Simon, opening a bottle of wine as old as I was for Christmas eve, eating Christmas day dinner at the Four Seasons Hampshire, and watching bouncers break up no less than 6 fights on New Year's in Scunthorpe, (a.k.a. "deep" England). Class. It's how I roll.

Now I'm back in L'Isle, spending my time with my four tutoring clients, reading (just finished Le Compte de Monte Cristo in French, a mighty achievement of which I am quite proud), being sick (but on the up and up now!), thinking deeply about the future and what "the next step" is, or chilling at the one pub in town. Oh yeah, and I manage to actually work every now and again! Last weekend I got myself (and Ruth, by proxy) invited to a poker party chez some actual French people! It was quite fun, even though I lost tragically. I was mostly just excited to be in France and hanging with real Frenchies, which, ask anybody who's spent time here, is quite a victory!

Now I'm off to an Inauguration party in Avignon with some other Americans tonight, complete with hamburgers and champagne! Yaay Obama!

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